The Chapter’s traditional joint meeting with USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter was held this past August to kick of the new ASHRAE year. The topic was suitably chosen to appeal to both ASHRAE and USGBC audiences.
Scott Bowman joined us to present on “Code Dread: Keeping Up with ASHRAE and LEED.” The presentation looked at the major changes to ASHRAE 90.1-2010 through the lens of a case study project where energy modeling was used to determine the new standards’ effects on energy savings and LEED certification.
Scott Bowman, speaker at August 2015 MeetingScott used the analogy of legos. We were given the same number and shapes of legos to build a building with, and all the different creations were displayed on the stage. This was to illustrate that, given the same tools (the same quantities of the same shapes of legos), we all created different things.
Scott is a licensed professional engineer and LEED Fellow, and has retired from his position as Principal and Corporate Sustainability Leader with KJWW, a multi-discipline engineering consulting firm of over 500 people, as of June 2014. He speaks regularly on sustainability at regional and national conferences and provides regular training on multiple subjects. He is also president of the Iowa USGBC chapter and dual member of the Idaho chapter. Scott is an avid Lego-lover and Twitter user (follow him @ScottBLEGO).