Monday, October 13th, 2014

10:15am – 10:45am Registration & Networking

10:45am-11:45am Tech Session

11:45am-1:10pm Lunch and Main Session

Tech Session

Design and Operation of Cooling Towers in Variable Flow
Historically, cooling towers were considered to be constant flow devices. As HVAC system designers continue to search for potential energy savings, varying flow to cooling towers has become more common. This requires careful attention to design and operation of the towers to prevent problems. This goal of this session is to provide insight into proper design and operation of cooling towers in variable flow applications.

Lunch and Main Session

Advances in Non-Chemical Water Treatment:  Opportunities for Cooling System Efficiency and Cost Containment
Water cooled systems are often “out-of-sight, out of mind” and water treatment is no different. But consider that a 1000 Ton tower will consume in excess of 15 million gallons of water per year and discharge nearly five million gallons to the sanitary system. Cooling systems are ripe for efficiency improvements especially when this efficiency is dramatically impacted by the quality of water treatment – which usually involves significant chemical consumption, cost, handling, and chemical discharge. This session will discuss the technical aspects of alternative, LEED-friendly water treatment methods with a focus on recent advances in pulsed power (electro-dynamic) systems. The session will highlight system operation, design, and operating principles.

Speaker: Max Martina, Griswold Water Systems

Russo’s Spazio
12031 Lackland Rd,
St. Louis, MO 63146
Chapter Members Cost $0.00*
* when chapter dues paid
Non-Members Cost $25.00
Cash, Credit Card, or Check, on arrival,
Or – Credit Cards /w Online payment.


Everyone must register even if you have paid local dues.

ONLINE: Click on hyperlink below or copy and paste the URL into your browser: Please make sure that you fill in all the information requested, press ‘submit’ and then complete the form to the point where you hit ‘confirm’. Thank you.

PHONE: Must be called into 314-925-4818, no later than noon, Thursday, October 9th, 2014. This number is in operation 24 hours a day. CANCELLATION: You may cancel up to 8:00am on Monday before the meeting. If not canceled by this point you will be responsible for the meeting cost of $25.

PDH CERTIFICATES: Will be emailed to attendees as requested during online registrations.