Chapter President Jim Rosick has appointed Stephen Duda to serve as Honors & Awards Chairperson for the 2015-16 Society year.
Steve has already submitted formal nominations to ASHRAE headquarters for two St. Louis Chapter members who are active at the Society level for the Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes members who have served ASHRAE faithfully as a member of committees and giving freely of their time and talent on behalf of the Society. It is a lifetime cumulative points-based system. If Society confirms the nominations, the awards will be presented at the plenary of the 2016 Annual Conference (in St. Louis) on June 25, 2016. Steve is seeking suggestions and input on nominees for this and other Society awards, including the Fellow Award.
Chapter President, Jim Rosick, presented an award to the St. Louis Chapter’s immediate Past President, Robert Jones, at the September St. Louis Chapter meeting’s “Past President’s Day”. The award, consisting of a handsome wall clock plaque and a presidential lapel pin, recognizes Bob’s dedicated service to our Chapter as 2014-15 President. In addition to his service to our Chapter, Bob Jones also serves at the Society level on two Technical Committees and three Standards Committees, all related to refrigerant piping, controls, components, and accessories – the “R” in ASHRAE.